Saturday, 16 March 2013

Welcome to my blog


I created this blog for an assignment for my Hajj trip that I just went on. I wrote my posts down while I was there but there was no Wi-Fi so I'll be posting them within the next couple of days.

After a person becomes baligh/baligha they have to go for Hajj at least once as it is wajib.

When a person wants to go for Hajj they first have to fulfill a couple of requirements, such as having enough money, having no loans out, being healthy enough etc. You also have to make a will before you go just in case.

Hajj is an awesome experience because everyone looks the same and are all the same in the eyes of All-h. They are all there for the same reason, there is not separating the races, no separating the rich vs. poor. Everyone is the same. They wear the same clothes, do the same thing go to the same places. It's amazing.

There are 3 types of Hajj:

  1. Al-Hajj al -Ifrad
  2. Al-Hajj al-Ihram
  3. Al-Hajj at-Tamattu
Hajj at-Tamattu is the Hajj for people around the world except those who live in Makkah (within 48 miles). This was the one I did.

That was some basic info, I'll post the rest of my trip in a bit


1 comment:

  1. Asalam-O-Alaiakum! How are you all? Well, I must say that the services were really good, but the guidance was not as great as it should be. We had some issue in Makkah, when we were doing Tawaf, due to the misguidance of the staff members, although the other things were really good. Hajj Pilgrimage
