Saturday, 16 March 2013


Well, I had loads of fun on my trip and also writing this blog

I hope you also enjoyed it and learned a thing or two from it also.

Just a short blurb on Hajj before i finish this blog.

The whole thing behind Hajj is from when Prophet Ibrahim, Bibi Hajarah and Prophet Ismail were there and Prophet Ibrahim was told by All-h to leave them there.

So Prophet Ismail started crying and Bibi Hajarah went looking for water. She saw water on one hill and ran to it. Then she saw water on another hill and ran to it, she did this 7x which we now do as Saee. The Prophet Ismail kicked the ground and water came out of it which is now Zam Zam.

The Jamarah are from when Prophet Ibrahim stoned Shaytan 3 times while on a journey. The sacrificing an animal was from when All-h told Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son, but when he was doing it a sheep appeared where his son was.

Maqam e Ibrahim is a stone that Prophet Ibrahim would stand on when building the Kabah and his footprints got imprinted on it.

Prophet Ibrahim and his family were the first to do Hajj.

That's it for now, till next time,




Almost done, still have to do my Quran HW for Madresah.

When you're finished with Hajj you should act differently because Hajj is a way to purify your self, to get closer to All-h.

Your physical appearance changes (well, only for guys cause they're bald) but also your soul changes. You become closer to God.

You shouldn't be racist anymore cause you're all dressed the same and you do the same things.

But the main thing is the niyyat. Someone can go to Hajj and spent lots of money and get nothing out of it because of their intention. They're just going though the motions, just like in Salaat or when you don't do Wudhu. You're just doing the motions (and like my mum says) getting a workout out of it.
But, if you go for the right reason and Niyyat and actually think, "What am I doing, and why am I doing it",  then you can get so much out of it.






Back again, had to go to mosque for Bibi Zaynab's Wiladat.

So, after we finished doing our Hajj we decided to go to Madinah and visit a couple of Mosques. We went on a tour bus with a couple of other people. We saw a couple of mosques, Fadak and the Prophet's house.

The two main ones we saw were Masjid un Nabawi and Masjid e Quba. They were impressive and really cool to see. But, in Masjid un Nabawi there was an area which only guys can see which sucked, but we got pictures.

We also saw Jannatul Baqi. The ladies are only allowed behind the fence so that is where i got the pictures from.


Finishing hajj


Back to the story/post.

So when we got back to Makkah we had to do Tawaaf and the 2 Rakaat Namaaz after Tawaaf.

While doing Tawaaf your left shoulder faces the Kabaah and you star at the black stone. I got to touc the Kabaah and even the black stone. (I think).

Then we did saee and Tawaaf un Nisa and a 2 Rakaat Salaat for that. There is a Tawaaf for married couples to do so their marriage is valid or something like that.

Didn't get to see Zam Zam but did get to drink it, or at least what the Saudi's call Zam Zam.
Oh yeah, inside Masjid ul Haraam there are all these water coolers which have zam zam in them.

So since we finished the actual proper part of Hajj we could do what we wanted. We went shopping for souvenirs of course. And had halal food of course, cause who'd give up the chance to get halal McDonalds. But the burger didn't look like how it looks on TV to me.

My mom and grandma would go to the Kabaah to pray fajr a lot of the nights, and since we where ther on a Friday we saw the Jumah salaat. There were so many people filling the streets, it was amazing. A giants flock of tiny white people (I was looking from the hotel window and we were high up).

Well, gotta go,


Arafat, muzdalifah and mina


Since we already did Umrah at-Tamattu, on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah we started doing Hajj at-Tamattu.

How it works was, first we put on Ihram then did our Niyyat. Then we went to Arafat which is a place where we stayed in tents and prayed the entire time. We stayed there from Duhr to Maghrib.

I remember we went to Mount Arafat during our trip and there were loads of Arab guys around and also tons of camels. Can't tell if that is a camel or elephant.

Then we spent the night at Muzdalifah where we collected at least 70 stones.. After sunrise we went to Mina where the 3 Jamaraats' are. The story bhind it is when Prophet Ibrahim was going somewhere and Shaytan tried to stop him 3 times, each time in a different form. Each time though, Prophet Ibrahim threw a stone at Shaytan to stop him. This is what we do. It is a symbol that we are throwing our problems away and we are getting rid of our Shaytans. In the picture those are the 3 Jamaraat which symbolise Shaytan.

Also at Mina we had to sacrifice a sheep but it's the guys who do it. Also we had to do halaq/taqsir which is shaving off your hair for guys and cutting your nails for women.

Then we stayed at Mina for 2 more nights before coming back to Makkah.

Well, that's it for now,


Getting there


I'm back to post my next post.

I went on the trip with a group, but also with my mom, dad, brother, sister and grandma.

First I took a flight from Toronto to Dubai. 14 hours but I spent the entire time watching movies :). I stayed in Dubai for a night then flew to Jiddah then drove to Madina then Makkah.

When I first saw the Kabah my first thought was 'I thought it'd be bigger'. Masjid al Haram is impressive. It's so big, but it's tiled with white tiles. So when it's very sunny the entire place gets so bright that you can barely see and it's so warm there, when i put my hand on a railing once it got burnt, it was that hot.

We stayed at a hotel 5 minutes away from the Masjid. Right across from us there was this Arabic dollar store. I remember my brother getting a couple of souvenirs for his friends from there. Our hotel had like so kind of mall attached to it which was cool and there was a store that had the best ma'moul (pastries with dates inside).

As I did Hajj at-Tamattu, I first had to do Umrah at-Tamattu.

Which started with getting to miqat  and putting on Ihram. Then we did the talbiyya. Then we did the Niyat and Tawaaf around the Kabah which was 7x. Then we prayed a 2 rakaat Namaz and then did saee and taqsir.

In the masjid there was an area on the 2nd floor for people to do tawaf who had wheel chairs and in saee there were two side and in the middle there was a section for wheelchairs.

Afterwords on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah we did Hajj at-Tamattu which I'll explain in the next post.


Welcome to my blog


I created this blog for an assignment for my Hajj trip that I just went on. I wrote my posts down while I was there but there was no Wi-Fi so I'll be posting them within the next couple of days.

After a person becomes baligh/baligha they have to go for Hajj at least once as it is wajib.

When a person wants to go for Hajj they first have to fulfill a couple of requirements, such as having enough money, having no loans out, being healthy enough etc. You also have to make a will before you go just in case.

Hajj is an awesome experience because everyone looks the same and are all the same in the eyes of All-h. They are all there for the same reason, there is not separating the races, no separating the rich vs. poor. Everyone is the same. They wear the same clothes, do the same thing go to the same places. It's amazing.

There are 3 types of Hajj:

  1. Al-Hajj al -Ifrad
  2. Al-Hajj al-Ihram
  3. Al-Hajj at-Tamattu
Hajj at-Tamattu is the Hajj for people around the world except those who live in Makkah (within 48 miles). This was the one I did.

That was some basic info, I'll post the rest of my trip in a bit
